A couple images of plus-sized model "Katya Zharkova" have been floating around Facebook for the last day or so. If you haven't seen them, you can find an article about them here.
For whatever reason, this one seemed to strike me the most.
Maybe it's because, at various times in my life, I've been the size of both of these women. Maybe it's the intimate expression on Katya's face, or the somewhat incising caption on the bottom. Maybe it's because right now, I'm somewhere in between the weights of these two women and my brain shouted out in recognition at the pull between two "forces". I dunno.
So, it being the internet and all, people who had plenty to say about these images.
You had your "We shouldn't be encouraging obesity" side and your "Yay! Love yourself no matter what" side.
I lie somewhere - well, I don't know.
I'll tell you why I don't know.
I think there's something dishonest about telling people - women, men, whomever - that they should always "love themselves". It's a nice sentiment and I get the motivation behind it; we need enough self-confidence and love to function in this world and far too often we're measured by qualities that really have nothing to do with the kind of person we are on the inside.
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