I know I keep changing the blog's look/layout. I'm a fiddly-fiddlier.
So, today's entry is brought to you by: Alogonquin College. Where all of your dreams come true!
Brought to you because: I got up at 6:30 am to come to school to finish my coursework for the week before working an 8 hour shift this evening and I finished everything a bit early so I have an hour to kill before I catch the bus downtown.
Run-on sentence. Can you tell I'm caffienated?
Well, I had an hour, but then I spent 40 minutes fiddlying around with the blog's layouts and whatnot, so now I have 20 minutes.
I was going to write a very grand entry about classism in Ottawa. It was going to beautiful, and thoughtful and critical. You should have seen it. Marx V.2.0, I was going to be.
But now I've run out of time.
Well, I might have time for a muffin.
Are you enjoying my pointless posts about pointless things that I'm going to do? No? Probably not.
I also started a thought-provoking entry about body image. Which is something I planned to do when I had my other (Mommy) blog, but I'm not sure if I ever got around to it. Maybe I'll work on that one for a bit.
And have a muffin.
I promise the next thing I write here will actually be worth reading.
My apologies.
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