Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sooooo, there's been a lull in my casual employment situation which means I haven't been working for the last two weeks.

Which has actually been pretty good, because I've been bogged down with school work and I don't even know how it would have been possible to finish it all if I had been working. Even a little.

But now things are wrapping up school-wise, and I still haven't gotten a call about any upcoming projects. So, as much as I hate job-hunting, I started perusing the job bank boards.

Annnnndddd wouldn't you know, I just applied for another Veterinary Receptionist job. BUT in all fairness, it's only for 20 hours a week, which is perfect for my life right now. And I need something to keep me going while I finish this program. It might as well be something I like.

So there's that.

Oh little critters, how I find it hard to stay away from you!

1 comment:

  1. I hope this clinic is more of a better fit for you Sammy! :*(
